From the front cover of this album we are given a photograph of a baby. This baby evidently isn't no ordinary baby, it's the artist of the album as a baby with tattoos, now whether Lil wayne had tattoos as a baby or not is oblivious as there is no information on the internet about it. However if he never hhad tattoos as a baby, before reading the text on the right handside of the front of the album if you know who lil wayne is, you will instantly be able to recognise the artist of who the album is coming from. The baby is dressed up in a suit and is wearing a ring on his pinky finger and has three tear drops on his face with some sort of C sign in the middle of his forehead. I think this is a way to identify the artist Lil Wayner, his tattoos, he wants people to identify him by his tattoos rather than his star image the man with the dreadlock.s. The albums front cover background is black with a sudden theme of black and red text, the font seems like it is arial or times new roman 'regular'.
The font is very plain and simple, probably the reason why the hint of red which is texted as 'Lil Wayne' could mean something, with that particular colour as his name.At the back of the CD cover we see the artist himself but with sunglasses on a black leather jacket, showing us the genre of the music 'Hip Hop', as viewers will follow thsi image as the type of urban typical Hip Hop/R'n'B look. The text of the song list is very plain and the font used for it is Arial. The numbers of the text is in the colour red. Nothing really seems to stand out on the back of album cover . The font size is very small, but readable and once again it has that continuous theme going on at the back of the albums cd cover, the black, red, and white theme. The barcode on the back of the CD Cover comes second to standing out after Lil waynes image at he back of the CD cover.
Can you say why you think these colours have been chosen? Is the red significant in this context? Also, as with the last post, explore the record company.