Final CD COVER Including CD Disk

Front Of CD Cover

CD Disk Design
Back Of CD Cover
CD Cover Draft
Back Of CD Cover Draft

This is my cd cover and back cover raft as we can see it is literally very boring, there has been no effort in this, there is no photographs on it ,and just plain text has been used, its got a white background and pink and black text, it is not attractive at all and has no circumstance of a selling point and could never be a sell out because of the way it has been produced, especially to the audience it has been aimed at. It is very unattractive, plain and boring.
Final Magazine Advert

This is my final magazine advert because the colours are very vibrant and shocking with the bright pink every where the title of the song really stands out, you can instantly tell what the artists name is, and what the magazine advert is promoting, you can see where the CD is avaialable clearly which is itunes and HMV. I purposely made the colour of the font for the text saying : "SINGLE OUT NOW." So that the viewer is very aware the Cd is out and wouldn't have to ask around to know when the Cd is out.I have a different base of contrasts and I have also mixed a lot of brightness in it, there are different fonts used and not just one plain boring one. The text saying 'Voicemail' has been typed in the Porcelain font, which is a very high end glamorous font which represents the star motif in the image and the rest of the text is Calibri and times new roman.
Magazine Advert Draft

This is my magazine advert draft, this was created on photoshop and the image was filtered with a high contract and I decreased the birightness of the photography. This maagzine advert is my draft because I know it can be improved as it doesn't meet high expectations. The coloours are not very bright and it doesn't really give out that vibrance were tryna give out to the audience it is aimed at. It is very boring and its ot something that you will instantly be attracted to if you was to see it in a magazine or on a billboard, its one of those adverts where someone would have to tell you to look at it before you notice it the way this magazine advert has been produced.
ReplyDeleteI think this is the good because many people use this es-sally and buy es-sally and in this many songs you can store. music disk