DigiPack Analysis. FEIST

The name of the artist for this digipack is feist, which when you first look at it you would think it is the word feisty. We can notice how feist isn't a word but it is more of made up. We can instantly tell how original this artist is and her type of personality. Possibly the artist is a 'Feisty' person but didn't want to have a common name written as 'Feisty' for her own star motif. We can instantly tell from the graphic on the front of the album cover that she prefers to be unknown she prefers not to show her face and could possibly just want people to notice her for her music and not for her female face or any features on her that may stand out. I think the silhouette graphic that's meant to be of her is a personal selling point for her, showing that she may want people to buy the album because of her music and not because she looks good on the digipack .
Throughout the digipack we can see a lot of original creative graphics on the digipack, I think this more over tells us the kind of person she is, the type of personality she has and the type of person she is trying to show out to the public. There is another silhouette seeming to be her body, once again we can't see how her body is, or what she is wearing, its like everything that she is trying to put out on this digipack is a mystery that needs to be solved. There are photographs on the album that clearly doesn't make sense and it is not understandable about why they are they but we can tell that the photographs are there because the digipack is about feist and evidently the images must be about her even although they have come a cross a bit random. Three images on the digipack have been framed. this could possibly mean they have some sort of importance to the artist. I guess the title of the digipack being 'Reminder' could clash with the photographs that were used for the album.
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