Monday 13 December 2010


Feedback From Facebook
We can see from this print screen that the feedback from facebook was exceptionally good. I got 16 people liking my video on facebook. So this is great feedback on my music video.

Feedback From Youtube

From this print screen we can see the amount of views this music video has got , there were only two comments left onto this music video, one of no relevance but the other of positive feeback. We can see its been a huge hit with 1,500 views.

Final Music Video

1 comment:

  1. Monatts,

    An encouraging piece of work. The selection of mise-en-scene particularly in the first and third chapters is excellent. The mood of the video really changes and this has been represented through the colour and lighting you have chosen. You have used a lot of close up shots, a tilt up and there is some nice camera movement that enhances the feel of the song. Now, you should film a wider range of shots. You could represent the changing psyche of the singer by having lots of close up shots at the beginning and moving to more long shots at the end to represent her increasing distance from sanity. The middle section loses the pace and style a bit. Now, you could re-film this to give the audience more information about how the singer becomes so fraught by the end. Perhaps you could have a flashback to her stalking the man or perhaps she sees him with another woman. You could represent her as a stalker, perhaps they never had a relationship and she is stalking him and his girlfriend! Or you could leave it open to interpretation. We really like the split screen and felt that it represented her changing personality and increasing frantic behaviour. The mise-en-scene is atmospheric and it would be nice to see some more of this. The editing overall is proficient at the moment, you have used shot transitions, as well as split screens and black and white. You need more cuts and I like the transition you used in the first part, it really fits the mood. You could slow this down a bit as well as including more cuts. This would make it more music video like.

    Currently this is low Level 3 25/40
    The key area to focus on in editing to ensure that meaning is apparent and a wider range of shots.
